DermNurse Medical Aesthetics

Aftercare for Botox & Fillers

Essential Aftercare Tips for Botox and Fillers


Swelling, redness and bruising can occur for up to two weeks post treatment in some cases. To significantly reduce your risk of bruising stop taking Aspirin 5 days before your treatment.

Keep the injection sites clean and watch for signs of a skin infection such as increased redness, swelling, warmth, and discharge. You will need to be assessed by your injector or Doctor if these symptoms occur.
You may immediately ice the treated areas to reduce bruising and swelling
You may take the supplement “Arnica Montana” (topically or in pill form) to hasten the recovery from bruising or swelling if you are not allergic
*If you have a history of cold sores and want your lips injected you will need a prescription such as Valtrex to prevent cold sore virus activation.


Avoid exposure to extreme cold or heat for 24 hrs
Avoid direct exposure to the sun or tanning beds for the first week.
Wear sunscreen with SPF 30-50 daily.


Avoid wearing a hat or headband for the first 24 hrs. This can move the Botox, Dysport or Xeomin in an undesirable location
Avoid extreme animation of the face for the first 24hrs (only applies to Dermal Fillers)
Mineral based Make-up can be worn immediately after the treatment
Avoid lipstick or lip plumper products 24 hours after a lip injection
Avoid firm rubbing or massaging the treated areas with for 48 hours.
You may gently wash your face with mild soap.
Avoid strenuous exercise (running, hot yoga, weight lifting) for the first 24 hours. Walking is fine.
Avoid alcohol consumption for the first 24 hours
Avoid taking anti-inflammatories or aspirin for the first week to speed healing
Sleep with head elevated for the first night (Only applies to Dermal Fillers applied to cheeks and tear troughs)
Resume skin care products such as retinoids, or acids 3-4 weeks after treatment
Avoid chemical peels or laser/light therapy to face for at least 4 weeks after treatment


*Hyaluronic acid in dermal fillers initially can attract water to itself and therefore sometimes feels “lumpy” or uneven within 48 hours of injection. Often these soft product lumps can be smoothed out by using two fingers in circular motion to flatten them. If this technique does not work or if the lumps become hard or if there is persistent pain, throbbing pain, discolouration, or swelling increases or does not go down please call the clinician on call at (403) 992-8397 or seek immediate advice from a Doctor.
*Allergic reaction: Sometimes allergic reactions present themselves hours, even days, after the introduction of a product. Please notify your clinician if you experience a rash, itchy skin, or localized swelling, post procedure.
Call 911 or seek immediate medical help if you experience any difficulty breathing, swelling of the tongue, mouth, throat, face, or have difficulty swallowing or speaking.